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What doctors think of pharma funding
WentzMiller & Associates Global CME Newsletter
Do physicians view pharma-funded CME with suspicion? In part. A survey of practicing doctors conducted by the Annenberg Center for Health Sciences found that 75% of respondents said that a CME activity can be fair-balanced only occasionally or seldom when the primary focus is a therapeutic category in which the grantor has a vested interest. The study was funded by Procter and Gamble.
Nonetheless, physicians overwhelmingly felt that commercial funding was no deterrent to attending a CME program, and might have a positive influence on attendance. They weren't happy, however, about restrictions on meals for spouses!
The study reiterated that live meetings are "the gold standard" for physicians. Another survey, by Pri-Med, a global CME provider, found that while online CME has increased dramatically, live meetings are still preferred. Online learners earn an average of 34 credit hours per year, the study showed, but spent an average of 38 hours at live meetings as well.
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