CME Links
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Directories of Resources
- Annotated List of Online Continuing Medical Education by Bernard Sklar MD, MS
All offer Category I CME credits approved by the American Medical Association.
- Canadian CME Directory
- Medical Computing Today
- onmedica.net
UK-based information.
- Medical Computing Today: Medical Education
Medical Computing Today's Medical Education lists articles and features about physician training, teaching, and continuing medical education.
- Medical and Dental Journals
Review the current contents of a variety of medical journals.
- Medical Education Online
Medical Education Online (MEO) is a forum for disseminating information on educating physicians and other health professionals.
- J. Veterinary Medical Education
Journal published by the Association of America Veterinary Colleges, with articles and book reviews from the current edition.
- AAMC Medical Education
AAMC Home, ... Medical Education. Academic Medicine: The Cornerstone of the American Health Care System.
The Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education lists all accredited providers and details the process of accreditation.
Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education determines the accreditation of all post-MD studies. Includes info on program requirements.
- All India Institute of Medical Sciences
The premier medical institute in India - information resources and continuing medical education.
- Alliance for Continuing Medical Education
- American Medical Association -- Medical Education
- Association for Hospital Medical Education
A national nonprofit professional organization involved in the continuum of medical education.
- Association for Medical Education in Europe
- IMShealth for Pharma Sales Worldwide
- Liaison Committee on Medical Education Home Page
- NBME Entry Page
Welcome to the National Board of Medical Examiners® Website
- Physician Credentials
Information on Credentialing from the American Medical Association.
- Union of European General Practitioners (UEMO)
- Union of European Medical Specialists/European Accreditation Council for CME
- U.S. Library of Medicine
- Advanced Health Education Center
Continuing medical education for radiologic technologists, mammographers, physicians, and other medical imaging professionals. Live and home study courses.
- American Academy of Family Physicians
- American Academy of Neurology
- American College of Physicians/American Society of Internal Medicine
- Association of Reproductive Health Professionals CME
Continuing medical education from non-profit medical association with mission to educate on reproductive health.
- Bassett Healthcare Medical Education
Cooperstown, NY ... Medical Education at Bassett Since Bassett's earliest history in the 1920s, educating physicians has been a central force in the organization's evolution ...
- Baylor College of Medicine
Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, TX offers CME in various formats including live courses, free Internet-based online activities with steaming video, audio, and synchronized texts and slides; interactive cases and Web casts.
- Brazilian Distance Education in Oncology (Portuguese)
- CareInternet.com
Offers online interactive continuing medical education for caregivers as well as clinical trial and research resources for laypersons.
- Center for Medical Education, Inc.
Publishing company compiles the abstracts of articles related to emergency medicine. Read the free trial issue, or print the subscription form.
- Centre for Medical Education
Centre's homepage, Centre for Medical Education. Perth Road Dundee University of Dundee.
- CME Consultants
- CME for Canadian Family Physicians
- CME for Hospitalists
Continuing medical education for antithrombotic therapy, blood management, and chest pain
- CME for Long Term Care Physicians
AMDA CME Direct provides web-based continuing medical education for physicians practicing in the long term care continuum.
- CMEweb: The Global Continuing Medical Education Resource
Continuing medical educational course and medical education resources online. Physicians can register online.
- CMEVillage.com
Continuing medical educational activities and resources from the University of Virginia Office of Continuing Medical Education.
- Cornell University: Joan and Sanford I. Weill Education Center
- Council for Naturopathic Medical Education
- Dr. Scope for Spanish-language CME
- Foundation for Better Health Care (FBHC)
- GE Medical Systems Online Training and Education
GE-sponsored courses on ultrasound, diagnostic imaging, and hundreds of hours of online continuing medical education (CME) content for radiologists and radiologic technicians.
- Harvard Medical Web
Harvard Medical School is one of the world's preeminent institutions in medical education and research. The breadth and depth of its scientific and clinical disciplines are unsurpassed.
- HealthStream CME Courses
Offers online continuing medical education (CME) courses for doctors and continuing education (CEU) courses for nurses and radiology technicians.
- Internet Pathology Laboratory
Library includes over 1, images demonstrating gross and microscopic pathologic findings associated with human disease.
- Johns Hopkins Office of Continuing Medical Education
Information on CME courses and special meetings.
- Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (Wolters Kluwer Health)
Over 45 CME programs from one of the leading medical publishers in the world.
- Loma Linda University and Medical Center
Information about the University, Medical Center, Children's Hospital, Community Medical Center, and Behavioral Medicine Center. Located in Loma Linda, California.
- Mayo Clinic & Foundation for Medical Education and Research
Welcome to Mayo Clinic. About Mayo. Mayo Jacksonville. Mayo Rochester. Mayo Scottsdale. Mayo Health System. Patient Care. Research. Education. Health ...
- MedCases CME Portal
- MedConnect Interactive Education
Contains a free CME/CE center.
- MEdIC Homepage
- Medical Education Network of Loyola Univ.
- MedicalRounds.com
Offers online continuing medical education for health care providers through streaming video of medical rounds.
- MEDInfoSource
Provides information about upcoming conferences, educational resources, and online courses. Get details on residencies and fellowships.
- Medscape
Offers free CME in 24 medical specialties
- Mich. State Office of Medical Education Research and Development (OMERAD)
Lansing. A division of the College of Human Medicine at Michigan State University.
- MSSNY - Home
Medical Society State of New York - . Medicine, Managed care, medical economics, continuing medical education, physician advocacy, health law, medicaid, medicare, HMO, medical ethics.
- Navy Medical Corps Professional Programs
Continuing Medical Education for US Navy Medical Corps Officers.
- Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine (NEOUCOM)
Research affiliation: Center for Research Libraries.
- Northwest Center for Medical Education
The Northwest Center for Medical Education is one of eight regional medical centers in the statewide system of the Indiana University School of Medicine ...
- Nursing Continuing Education Online CEUs
Wild Iris Medical Education provides continuing education courses for nurses, physical, occupational or respiratory therapists. You can read the course material ...
- NYU SoM - Continuing Medical Education
- Ohio State Center for Continuing Medical Education
- PedsEducation.org: Pediatric Continuing Medical Education
This site for continuing medical education offers AMA Category I CME credits and is aimed primarily at pediatricians.
- Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center
Medical services, physician directory, research, health information and medical information for the Medical Center, Children's Hospital and College of Medicine.
- Pragmaton Office of Medical Education
Continuing medical education, CME and CE activities, audio tapes and conferences, reprints and reviews.
- Projects In Knowledge
An ACCME and ACPE accredited provider of continuing medical education programs.
- SIU - Southern Illinois University
The official website of Southern Illinois University maintained by the Office of the President. Contains links to all campuses with pertinent information for the entire University system.
- Singapore Academy of Medicine
- Symposia Medicus
Symposia Medicus provides continuing medical education. Symposia Medicus has continuing medical education for doctors, nurses and other health professionals.
- University of Chicago Continuing Medical Education
- UCSF-Fresno Medical Education Program
- University of Florida Continuing Medical Education Homepage
Continuing Medical Education and Faculty Development Homepage.
- University of Illinois at Chicago Department of Medical Education
- University of Massachusetts Medical School Continuing Medical Education
- University of Minnesota Continuing Medical Education
- UNDSMHS, Office of Medical Education
- University of Texas Health Science Center - School of Medicine
Located in San Antonio offers studies leading to an M.D. degree. Includes information about several aspects of activities at the School of Medicine.
- University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston
(UTMB) is an academic medical center. About educating health science professionals and researchers, caring for patients, and solving biomedical puzzles through scientific inquiry.
- University of Washington Continuing Medical Education
Offering continuing education opportunities for physicians and allied health care practitioners.
- University of Wisconsin Continuing Medical Education
- VIPS: Virtual Internet Patient Simulation
VIPS, the virtual Internet patient simulation, is a tool for automated continuing medical education (CME) operating on the Internet.
- Virtual Hospital: ATS Radiology for Chest Physicians Conference
Continuing medical education (CME) testing modules.