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CME, emerging in the emerging world -- Africa, Asia and Latin America
WentzMiller & Associates Global CME Newsletter
CME in these regions is on the move, reports Dr. Honorio Silva, board member of the Global Alliance for Medical Education (GAME). With the assistance of Pfizer country managers, local experts in CME provided these data:
- Africa/Mideast - Accreditation initiatives are underway in Israel, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia*, South Africa*, Turkey and UAE*.
- Asia/Australia - Accreditation is established in Australia*, HongKong, Japan**, Malaysia*, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore* and Thailand.
- Latin America - Accreditation is established in Argentina**, Brazil**, Costa Rica, Mexico** and Peru**.
* Mandatory, ** Semi-mandatory
Most CME is the emerging world is -- no surprise -- conducted by medical societies and academic institutions, and is funded by pharmaceutical companies, Dr. Silva noted. While web-based learning exists, it is not very popular. Live meetings are favored.
Latin American educators were also polled on obstacles they perceived to harmonization of CME in their region. Most were concerned about the autonomy of professional organizations, lack of government support, and lack of agreement on standards. Some also felt medical schools had enough problems educating students -- and were not prepared to take on the challenge of CME.
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