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e-CME Use Increases, But Physicians Still Prefer Other Methods
E-Pharma News
Although the amount of continuing medical education (CME) credits earned online by primary care physicians grew 25% in 2004, e-CME is preferred by only 11% of physicians, a Pri-Med CME Insight survey of 1,367 physicians reports. These results are consistent with those reported by Manhattan Research last year (ePharm 8/28/03). Pri-Med, an educational resource provider, found that 47% of respondents preferred live educational forums as their source of CME, followed by enduring materials (12%), and professional journals (11%), among others. However, Anne Goodrich, research director for The Pri-Med Institute, says in the report that e-CME will grow to supplement medical education forums and clinical curricula. The study also found that 85% of physicians polled said pharma industry financial support in the form of grants was not a factor in their decision to attend a meeting. However, 64% of those respondents reported having been positively affected by educational grants from pharma.
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