GAME President's Corner

By James Arnott, GAME President, June 2005

As we enter our second decade, the GAME organization is making a major impact among the world's leaders in Continuing Medical Education. What was once a small group of visionaries, observing and recording the differences in individual country's practices, GAME now truly represents the pathfinders and leaders of change in the world of CME.

With a solid reputation for bringing the right players to GAME, our organization is now participating in two separate world-class health initiatives. Our participation in PROJECT GLOBE demonstrates our hope to assist in development of universal educational Guidelines for Generalist Physicians and our recent appointment of a task force to assist in the development of an accreditation system for emerging countries certifies our commitment to international development of CME.

It is an exciting time for me personally to be President and share my association with such remarkable membership. The world has become a Global Village and the Global Alliance for Medical Education (GAME) has become one of its most active players.

James Arnott
GAME President

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