Who Are the Members of GAME?

Members are drawn from several groups of people interested in continuing medical education and health education. These include:

  • educators based in medical schools, medical specialty societies, national medical societies, and medical education companies;
  • managers from these same groups, plus government, accrediting and regulatory agencies;
  • marketing people from medical communications companies, medical schools and medical societies; and
  • pharmaceutical company managers with responsibility for education.

Members also come from most parts of the world. The majority is from the U.S. Other countries represented include Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Argentina, Spain, Italy, Germany, UK, Japan, Australia and Pakistan. GAME welcomes members from any country and any segment of the medical and health education community. A list of members, titles, and organizations appears in the password-restricted Members' Zone. Once you join, you will receive a password.

How is GAME different from the Alliance for CME?

Like the Alliance for CME, GAME is a membership organization that provides educational and networking opportunities for CME professionals. The primary difference between GAME and the ACME is that GAME is a smaller organization of CME professionals with the sole focus of exchanging information on global CME and shaping its future. GAME has a cooperative relationship with the ACME to explore international CME professional development opportunities.

Is GAME a commercial organization?

No. It is a not for profit corporation, qualified as tax exempt by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. Revenues from the Annual Meeting and membership dues are used to promote and stage the Annual Meeting and to develop and maintain the GAME Web Site. Officers and directors receive no honoraria nor are they reimbursed for expenses.

Why Should I Join GAME?

The first reason is to keep up with what is happening in CME and health education around the world - information available at the Annual Meeting and through this Web Site, particularly in the Members' Only section, where you can find copies of presentations at recent Annual Meetings and news stories from around the world. You can also join the GAME Forum, a topic oriented discussion group available to members only.

The second reason is to explore opportunities for your organization to work with others in various parts of the world to extend your own capabilities in content development, program organization, use of technology, or marketing. Many members have developed relationships with others to optimize their own resources and to benefit the education of doctors and patients in other countries.

Where Can I Find Information About What Is Happening Around the World?

Check the Latest News and CME Links on the GAME Web Site. For example, go to to find out what is happening in the Union of European Medical Specialties. Go to to find out what is happening in the Union of European General Practitioners. Check links within those sites for country-by-country information.

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