2013 Annual Meeting: Barcelona, Spain

10 Jul 2013 11:34 AM | GAME Staff
18th Annual GAME Meeting
The Next Level: The Necessary Interaction of Outcomes, Instructional Design, and Assessment


Continuing education in the health professions (CEHP) is being challenged to show results. Despite a considerable amount of research and some limited advances, it is still not clear that CEHP is routinely delivering what society, organized medicine, and health care institutions expect – improved performance of health professionals. An outcomes-orientation has provided a useful framework, but it has not been enough. Recent developments in instructional design and formative evaluation combined with an outcomes orientation may provide the framework that CEHP needs to create the value that society, organized medicine, and health care institutions expect.
CEHP professionals from all corners of the globe will gather at the 2013 GAME Annual Conference in Barcelona to examine these issues and discuss how to move continuing education forward to producing results and creating value. The focus of the conference was
  1. What are we currently doing in CEHP?
  2. Is it working?
  3. What recent developments have promise?
  4. How can promising recent developments be integrated into continuing education practice?
Conference work concentrated in the following five areas:
  1. Transfer of learning – how can the most recent patient care knowledge be incorporated into practice
  2. Instructional design – how can instructional design strategies facilitate transfer
  3. Assessment – how can assessment be used to support learning
  4. What are some of the motivational factors that can facilitate success or create barriers in CEHP?
  5. Continuing Interprofessional Education – how can continuing education be transformed to support highly functioning teams of healthcare professionals.

Global Alliance for Medical Education (GAME)

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