Accommodations ~ Call for Abstracts ~ Exhibits & Sponsorship ~ Registration ~ Membership with GAME
Conference Brochure (pdf)
Call for Abstracts
NOW OPEN: Call for Abstracts - Deadline March 15, 2014
Submit your Abstract for the 19th Annual Meeting in Coral Gables, Florida, USA.
GOAL: To provide an opportunity for members of the Global Alliance for Medical Education (GAME) to share their scholarship with other members of GAME, GAME is currently accepting abstract submissions for oral presentations related to best practices in Continuing Education in the Health Professions (CEHP) for the 2014 19th Annual GAME Meeting.
RATIONALE : Scholarship moves the work of a profession forward and as a result helps members of the profession apply new ideas, evidence and approaches to improve their performance . Scholarship means stepping back from one’s work, looking for connections, building bridges between theory and practice, and communicating the knowledge that results effectively.
The abstracts may describe scholarship in any one or more of the five categories described by Boyer and Glassick.
- Scholarship of discovery: advances knowledge in a particular area; asks the question: “What is to be known; what is yet to be found?”
- Scholarship of application: applies the results of discovery; asks the question: “How can knowledge be responsibly applied to consequential problems?”
- Scholarship of teaching: builds bridges between knowing and doing by transforming, extending, and transmitting knowledge.
- Scholarship of integration: makes connections across disciplines, placing specifics into a larger context, or illuminating data in a revealing way; asks the questions: “What do the findings mean?”
- Scholarship of engagement: connects the rich resources of academic institutions to pressing social, civic, and ethical problems present in communities.
The topic of the scholarship described in the abstract should focus on one of the following areas:
- Novel approaches to delivery and integration of CPD in improving care
- Interprofessional continuing education in health
- Evaluation of outcomes
- Approaches to integration of evidence in CPD
SUBMISSION PROCESS: Those individuals interested in submitting an abstract should complete the attached form. The information expected for each section of the form is described below. This abstract (?) information should not exceed 500 words. (The form contains 107 words.)
- What is the title of the abstract?
- What is the name of the presenting contributor?
- What are the key points in the literature that describe the need for this work?
- What is (are) the goal(s) for the work described?
- How was the work implemented?
- How was the effectiveness of the work determined (Methods)?
- What were the results?
- What are the implications of the results?
Submitted abstracts can describe work in progress or completed project/interventions. Abstracts should be free of commercial sales content for service or products.
Important dates:
- To be reviewed, abstracts must be submitted by email to by midnight March 15, 2014.
- Presenting authors will be notified of a decision by March 30, 2014 regarding acceptance or rejection.
- The presenting author of an accepted abstract must register and pay the required conference registration fee by April 15, 2014.
Click here to download the abstract submission file (MS Word).