The Global Alliance for Medical Education (GAME) was established in June 1995 to serve as a forum for the exchange of ideas among nonprofit and for-profit organizations involved internationally in the development and marketing of CME and health education programs. The original name, International Alliance for Health Education, was changed in 1998 because of possible confusion with another organization (International Association of Healthcare Educators). Our Objectives By participating in GAME meetings and programs, you will be able to achieve the following membership objectives:
GAME Membership Membership in GAME will pay for itself through increased knowledge and skills, as well as through opportunities to be more effective as a developer, marketer, or purchaser of CME and health education. As a member you have access to several key benefits:
A GAME membership application is available on-line (link to application). Print out the application and mail it together with memebership dues. You can benefit from substantially reduced rates by including additional members from your organization. Download Membership Application (PDF format, Acrobat Reader required) |
Copyright © 2000 Game. Derechos Reservados.
Diseño y Programación: Educación Médica Contínua |