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The latest on continuing education in Germany
German Medical Assn./Lew Miller
The Bundesaerztekammer, or German Medical Association, reports that continuing medical education programs in Germany serve to transmit the current state of science and practice and secure as well as improve the quality of patient care. Participation is voluntary, but now a system is being established to provide proof of participation.

In close consultation with the German Senate for Continuing Medical Education, the German Academy of Specialists, the German Academy of General Practitioners, the state medical boards, the scientific-medical specialty associations and the medical professional associations, the concept for a medical-board certificate of continuing education was presented to the 102nd German Doctors Convention 1999 in Cottbus and was unanimously approved by the delegates. The decision was taken with reference to the experience other European countries have had with proof of continuing education.

At present the state medical boards named below have introduced plans for the continuing education certificate. At the latest in 2003 the results of the various state medical boards' models is to be combined into a federally standardized proof of continuing education.

Baden-Wurtemberg: 120 credits in 2 years
Bayern: 150 credits in 3 years
Berlin: 150 credits in 3 years
Brandeburg: 150 credits in 3 years
Bremen: 120 credits in 3 years
Hamburg: 150 credits in 3 years or 40 in 1 year
Hessen: 150 credits in 3 years
Mecklenburg-Vorp.: 150 credits in 3 years
Niedersachsen: 150 credits in 3 years
Nordrhein: In planning Rheinland-Pfalz: 150 credits in 3 years, or 200 in 5 years
Saarland: In planning Sachsen: 150 credits in 3 years
Sachsen-Anhalt: 90 credits in 3 years
Schleswig-Holstein: 150 credits in 3 years
Thuringen: 100 hours in 3 years, 40 interdisciplinary and 60 specialty-specific
Westfalen-Lippe: 100 credits in 3 years
Schleswig-Holstein: 150 credits in 3 years