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GAME leaders to speak at AMEE in Lisbon
Lew Miller
Several leaders of the Global Alliance for Medical Education have joined with other educators in arranging a session titled "New Approaches to CME in Medical Schools in North America, to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Medical Education (AMEE) in Europe, August 29-September 1, 2002 in Lisbon.

The topics and speakers for this session are:
How Medical Schools Can Help Physicians Move from CME to CPD -- Dennis Wentz, AMA

CME in the Context of Patient Care -- Howard Strasberg, SKOLAR

Impact of PAFAMS Continuing Education on Latin American Doctors -- Pablo Pulido, PAFAMS

Assessment of Practicing Physicians: Identifying Opportunities for Remediation -- George Mejicano, University of Wisconsin

CME by Fax: A Low-Cost Way to Reach More Physicians -- Linda Casebeer, University of Alabama

Who Should Provide CME: Medical Schools, Specialty Societies, National Health Authorities? -- Lewis Miller, Intermedica

Breaking Down Historic Walls: Medical School-Industry Collaboration -- Kathleen Hundley, Duke University

The AMEE meeting will be held at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon. Attendance should be about 750, mostly educators from medical schools. For further information go to