The Sixth Annual Meeting
for the
Global Alliance for Medical Education

New Pathways and Opportunities
in International CME

June 24-26, 2001
The Princeton Club, New York, NY

A Must-Attend Event for Export-Minded
CME Professionals, Providers and Supporters:
Learn how you and your organization
can benefit from the winds of change
in CME around the world.

Sunday, June 24
6:30 PM Opening reception and dinner

Welcome remarks: Mark Connors, President, Medical Support Systems
8:00 PM Keynote Address: "Global CME – A World of Opportunity"
Martin Cearnal, President & CEO, Physicians World Communications Group

Presiding: Christopher West, Chairman & CEO, Pegasus Healthcare International
Monday, June 25
8:00 AM Continental breakfast
9:00 AM Beyond Borders: East Meets West … North Meets South
An international panel will report on immediate opportunities and trend lines to be watched around the world.
Where is the growth now and where will it be coming from in the near future? How can GAME members be a part of it, or contribute? What are the barriers and challenges? Where is the opportunity for international collaboration?
Confirmed Panelists include: Neil Paget, Australia; Dr. Linda Snell, Canada; Toshiaki Schichino, Japan; Dr. Cees
Leibrandt, Europe; Dr. Howard Young, U. K.; Dr. Gonzalo Lopez, South America; Greg Paulos, USA.
10:30 AM Coffee Break.
Panelists will be stationed at identified tables and attendees invited to join whichever groups are of interest for fur-ther discussion and exploration of partnership opportunities.
11:00 AM Case Studies in CME Importing and Exporting: A Primer on Successful Border Crossings

Moderator: Lewis Miller, Chairman, Intermedica

Importing/Exporting CME Skills: How a Canadian and a U.S. company team up for success in the States.
Christopher West, Pegasus Healthcare International, Montreal; and Jim Hughes, Vice-President, Medical DecisionPoint, Dowden Health Media, Montvale, NJ.

Taking U.S. CME Know-How to Europe: A major American CME company joint ventures with a German firm to expand in Europe. Phil Dombrowski, President, and Dr. Edgar Ingold, Vice-President, Physicians World GmbH, Mannheim, Germany.

A Three-Way Import/Export Deal in Latin America: American and Mexican physician education and health education are funneled into Brazil. Pedro Vera Garduno, President, Intermedica, Darien, CT, and Mexico City; and Jose
Salomão, CME Marketing Manager, Editora de Publicacoes Cientificas, São Paulo, Brazil.

Update on European/U.S. Reciprocity for Credit: Dr. Cees Leibbrandt, Secretary-General, European Union of Medical Specialists, Brussels, Belgium; and Greg Paulos, Associate Director, CME, American Medical Association.

Roundtable Discussions: After their presentations, each of the eight speakers will host a table for 30 minutes. Attendees will be free to select a table, and can change tables after 15 minutes.
12:30 PM Buffet Luncheon
2:00 PM Beyond Outcomes: Does Return on CME Investment Depend on Your Point of View?

Moderator: Dr. Marcel Doré, FP and CHE Consultant, Guelph, Ontario

The theme of this audience-participation-plus-expert-panel session is performance measurement. As CME practi-tioners from around the world, do we share a common language for evaluating our output? How do we measure up? Competing points of view will be represented on the panel. Can they be reconciled?
  • The physician-learner who wants solutions to practice problems.
  • The third-party payer who wants improved pharmacoeconomic outcomes.
  • Academics and bureaucrats who want proof of physician-behavior change and improved patient outcomes.
  • The pharmaceutical sponsor who wants to influence prescription-writing behavior and sales.

Confirmed panelists include: Dr. Dave Davis, Associate Dean, Continuing Medical Education, University of
Toronto; Dr. John Furgeson, Medical Director, Prescription Pricing Authority, National Health Service, U.K.; Alexander Szucs, Manager, Corporate Planning, Knoll Pharma, Markham, Ontario.

4:00 PM Coffee Break/Networking Hour
5:00 PM Meeting Adjourns: Evening free for dinner, theatre, further discussions.
Tuesday, June 26
8:30 AM Continental Breakfast
9:30 AM Beyond Distance: How Technology is Both Shrinking and Expanding the CME World

Moderator: Mark Evans, Director, Healthcare Education, American Medical Association.
Presenters in this lively section will address the trends, the opportunities and the pitfalls offered by the latest tech-nological advances in distance CME. There will be a 30-minute panel discussion with audience participation after the presentations.

Confirmed speakers include: Pedro Vera Cervera, President, Intersistemas, Mexico; Bill Silberg, Vice President & Executive Editor,; Jean Lalonde, President, IC Axon; Dr. Vikas Bhushan, CEO,; and Dr. Howard Young, Deputy Director of Postgraduate Studies, University of Wales College of Medicine,
Cardiff, U.K.
11:00 AM Coffee Break
11:30 AM Plenary Session followed by Annual General Meeting:

Presiding: Mark Connors, President, Medical Support Systems
12:00 PM End of Meeting