January 20, 2000

Chez Tujague’s

New Orleans


Pedro Vera Cervera

Richard Tischler

Gonzalo Lopez

Fred Wilson

Lew Miller

Dennis Wentz

Mark Connors

Chris West


  1. Minutes of the September 22, 999 board meeting were approved.

2. Program Committee Report: Mark presented his tentative program for the upcoming annual meeting and it met with general approval. Some speaker and panelist substitutions were discussed and agreed on.

3. Treasurer’s Budget Report: Fred prefaced his remarks with the observation that, while agreed at the September board meeting that each Program chair submit a budget to Fred by Thanksgiving, none other than his own was received. Allowing for certain program cost assumptions, Fred presented a budget report as follows:

Balance in the bank … $12,300

Est. for this year’s meeting and program … 15,000 (18,135 in ’99)
Est. for this year’s newsletter (2 issues) … 12,000
Est. for this year’s web site maintenance … 1,200 (2,300 in ’99)
Est. for postage … 1,000 (1,000 in ’99)

Total budget for current year … $30,000 (26,415 in ’99)

The Treasurer estimated that GAME would break even on a revenue against expenses basis if we attracted 60 or so paying members/attendees to the meeting in June. He will prepare a revenue forecast in the coming days and forward it to the directors.

  1. European and Latin American Reports: Lew suggested that given ACME’s slowness to pick up the ball internationally, and the growing need in Europe and elsewhere for more formalized CME, there could be an opportunity for GAME to take the lead in transferring CME know-how. To the extent that we are perceived as a North American organization, he stressed the need to be sensitive to perceptions of imperialism. With that in mind, he recommended it would be best to advance this cause through the non-North-American members of GAME. By way of example, he reported that there is now a European accreditation council (UEMS?) and it might be productive to get some of our European GAME members involved on a task force with that body.

    Dennis offered general support for Lew’s remarks and suggestions. He added that the AMA is now recognizing international members and would be willing to consider working in collaboration with GAME on a European initiative. Dennis also reminded all that the next industry/AMA meeting will be in Baltimore next September 26 – 28 and that it might be a good opportunity to further explore international issues.

    Mark advised using the web site as a key component of our international outreach strategy. He referred to providing information via the web as a catalyst. There was general agreement on this point.

    Fred proposed that we do an off-shore needs assessment before running off in all directions. This was supported around the table and Rich offered to work with Pam Marin in developing the methodology and an execution plan.

    Next Steps: It was agreed that Lew be mandated to strike two task forces, one for Europe and one for Latin America, to develop GAME plans for outreach initiatives.
  2. Web Site Committee report: Deborah, while unable to attend, provided a written report which Lew presented. First and foremost it proclaimed that GAME now has a fully functional and easy to access web site. The report also raised a number of issues and questions. Should some parts of the site be accessible to members only via a password arrangement? The consensus was yes to the recommendation to make committee correspondence, membership lists and the like, available exclusively to members.

    Deborah is calling for additional help for the web site committee which is having a tough time keeping up with the constant demands to improve and update the site. Mark suggested decentralizing the webmaster updating function, such that each committee could update the site independently rather than having to go through Deborah and/or Arturo. It was agreed that Mark should confer with Deborah and Arturo on an appropriate protocol to implement this measure, assuming it is feasible.

    Given that we appear to have email addresses for 80 % or more of the membership, Pedro volunteered the services of Arturo to initiate a Listserve feature by sending out GAME News to subscribing members. Pedro also offered to assemble the content for a Links page, starting with links to members’ sites.

    Chris agreed to consult Deborah and Arturo re. a protocol for updating the on-line newsletter. Lew asked for a news header feature on the opening splash page, to draw a visitor’s eye immediately to whatever is new and noteworthy on the site.

    Expressions of gratitude were extended to Deborah, Arturo and Alberto, the consensus being that the first iteration of the site is "terrific".
  3. Newsletter Committee Report: Chris reported on the trials and tribulations of GAME News. The good news is that the first edition is now up on the web site and in print. The bad news is that due to publication delays at Physician’s World --we were to piggyback on a mailing of their "CME Briefings" in early December-- 3000+ copies of the print version of GAME News have yet to be distributed and find an audience.

    The latest commitment from PW is that the mailing will take place in the week of Jan. 24/00, this to be confirmed by Lew or Fred in his absence. The next issue of the newsletter will go out in April, coupled with the annual meeting program invitation. Procter & Gamble, through the good offices of Fred, has offered to pick up the mailing costs. Lew, in the meantime, will investigate whether it will be feasible to do any future mailings in conjunction with CME Briefings.

    Chris recommended we drop the name contest because of the delay in distribution – i.e., only one entrant before the announced deadline. Gonzalo suggested that instead of printing a membership application form on the back page of the newsletter, we include this as a separate piece; in the next issue the application form will be incorporated into the program and meeting invitation mailer.

    To ensure better distribution of the newsletter outside North America, Chris has called upon the assistance of the European and Latin American liaison officers, Nikos and Pedro. Their mailing lists are still required.
  4. Membership Committee Report: Fred told us our current web directory lists 66 "members", of which only 42 are paid. He will advise Deborah and Arturo to cut out the "deadbeats".

    Fred reiterated the benefits of a membership needs assessment survey (not just off-shore members) and further endorsed the previous proposal for Rich and Pam Marin to coordinate it. With a view to strengthening membership drive efforts in Europe and Latin America, Fred will draw upon the support and suggestions of Howard, Pedro and Gonzalo. Chris urged each director to make a conscious point of doing his or her share of personal proselytizing and arm-twisting to grow the membership base.
  5. Other Business: Lew raised the question of how we will promote the program and meeting to meet our attendance target of 100. Chris offered to put a press release together for distribution asap. Fred volunteered to pull together a media list with assistance from Lew and Pedro. The release will also be posted on the web site.

    Each board member will be sent a kit of 10 programs and newsletters for mailing out with personalized invitations to the June meeting in New York; Lew to coordinate.

    It was suggested that we offer a 20% discount when three or more people from the same organization attend the meeting; Fred to follow up with Lew.

    Lew reminded all that we should be sharing the load more on our committees. This is important not just for managing what can be onerous workloads, but also for purposes of succession. To that end, he urged the committee chairs to draw more widely from the membership for helpers.
  6. The meeting was terminated.

Respectfully submitted,

Christopher West
