Global Alliance for Medical Education (GAME)

Board of Directors Meeting

June 27, 1999, 3:00 pm EST

Princeton Club, New York City

Meeting Participants:

Lewis A. Miller, Moderator

Mary Alderman

Carroll V. Dowden

Nikos Kastanos, MD

Christopher West

Fred Wilson

Dennis K. Wentz, MD

Pedro Vera


1. Minutes of January 28, 1999, were approved with corrections.

2. Fred Wilson presented the current financial report. Wilson said there were funds available to produce a newsletter. The benefits promised to members, including a newsletter and website, have not been fulfilled. Wilson said that unless GAME can produce and circulate a newsletter to members within two months of the Annual Meeting, GAME should cease to exist.

3. Carroll Dowden , chair of the Program Committee, described changes and refinements in the program for the 1999 Annual Meeting.

4. Dowden suggested that a Board member introduce each portion of the program. Board members will also man the Registration Table.

5. Lewis Miller presented the Internet Committee Report. Deborah Teplow has expressed interest in continuing as committee chair. She has invited Ray Wolf to participate as a member, and Wolf has agreed. As a future policy, the Board of Directors decided that the minutes of Board of Directors meetings can be presented on the GAME website only if there is news.


6. Dennis Wentz presented the Nominating Committee report. Candidates for the Board of Directors are:

Gonzalo Lopez

Deborah Teplow

Richard Tischler

Howard Young, MD

Candidates for officers of GAME are:

President: Lewis A. Miller

Vice President: Mark Connors

Treasurer: Fred Wilson

Secretary: Chris West

The Nominating Committee also recommended establishment of a new position: Liaison Officer for Europe. The candidate nominated for this position is:

Nikos Kastanos

The Nominating Committee offered the following justification:

Your nominating committee discussed the urgent need to develop meaningful relationships with Europe, both in terms of current members of GAME and potential members. Europe is moving rapidly toward unification of all areas of education under the stimulation of the European Commission; GAME has a potential role in the development of CME.

We anticipate that, as the global situation develops, we may wish to nominate regional liaison officers for other parts of the world, e.g., Southeast Asia; Japan; Australia; and others.

7. Miller led a brief discussion of the agenda for the Annual Business Meeting: Treasurer’s Report, President’s Report, Nominating Committee Report.

8. Other business included a suggestion by Chris West for active recruitment of people from academic centers.

Dowden urged expansion of the mission to embrace the interests of potential academic members. The Annual Meeting program in the year 2000 needs to appeal to academics, Dowden said. He suggested sections for networking. This needs specific promotion, he said.

Committee meetings will be held on Tuesday, June 29, at 8:30 am.

Kastanos suggested that the European Group meet as a committee. Miller suggested that the South American group also meet.

Chris West will take responsibility for editorial development of the GAME newsletter, including responsibility of hiring a freelance writer to work under his supervision. Alderman agreed to meet with West to select topics. Vera agreed to take responsibility for design and desktop publishing. An annual budget of $6,000 was established for newsletter publication during the 1999-2000 year.


Respectfully submitted,

Mary Alderman
