Game Board Meeting
Minutes from 22 September
Attendees: Howard Young, Richard Tischler, Gonzalo Lopez, Fred Wilson, Lew Miller and Dennis Wentz
- First action was the Minutes from the previous board meeting were approved
- Treasurer report: Fred reported that we have $19,182 in the bank with only a few bills outstanding.
- Budgeting: Lew made a recommendation, that was approved, that we create a budgeting process and require that each Program chair submit a budget to Fred by Thanksgiving.
- Web Site: The board approved spending $2,000 for the design and creation of the Game Web site, and $100 per month for hosting (to be paid by Fred quarterly).
- Newsletter: The newsletter will be made available on the Web site and will be sent to members via email. Any comments for changes/improvements should be directed to Chris West. The Board recommends that Chris West create an expanded newsletter with photos with four-color printing so that our inaugural edition is impressive. Finally, Gonzalo will provide Chris with a quote to print one, two and 3,000 copies.
- Membership: Richard Tischler and Pam Marin will assist Fred Wilson. A mailing is planned for about 15 November. There was discussion about including the newsletter in piggyback mailings as a way to reach a greater number of potential members.
- Program:
- The board decided to waive registration fees for non-member invited speakers. Additionally, non-member invited speakers may receive reimbursement of up-to $600 to cover expenses to attend the meeting. However, GAME will not offer reimbursement in the first instance, but only provide reimbursement if asked.
- Members who speak will not be reimbursed for any expenses or receive a waiver of Registration fees.
- Fred will send Mark stationary and Mark will create a letter of invitation.
- We decided to replace topic #6 with an expanded version of topic #5. The following personnel accepted responsibility to contact speakers:
Dennis Wentz: EUMS speaker, Buzz Goodstein
Rich Tischler: Linda Raichle
Howard Young: Merck International
Lew Miller: Pfizer International
Fred Wilson: Mediconsult
8. Meeting adjourned about 1:30PM.