Game Board Meeting

Minutes from 22 September

Attendees: Howard Young, Richard Tischler, Gonzalo Lopez, Fred Wilson, Lew Miller and Dennis Wentz

  1. First action was the Minutes from the previous board meeting were approved
  2. Treasurer report: Fred reported that we have $19,182 in the bank with only a few bills outstanding.
  3. Budgeting: Lew made a recommendation, that was approved, that we create a budgeting process and require that each Program chair submit a budget to Fred by Thanksgiving.
  4. Web Site: The board approved spending $2,000 for the design and creation of the Game Web site, and $100 per month for hosting (to be paid by Fred quarterly).
  5. Newsletter: The newsletter will be made available on the Web site and will be sent to members via email. Any comments for changes/improvements should be directed to Chris West. The Board recommends that Chris West create an expanded newsletter with photos with four-color printing so that our inaugural edition is impressive. Finally, Gonzalo will provide Chris with a quote to print one, two and 3,000 copies.
  6. Membership: Richard Tischler and Pam Marin will assist Fred Wilson. A mailing is planned for about 15 November. There was discussion about including the newsletter in piggyback mailings as a way to reach a greater number of potential members.
  7. Program:
    1. The board decided to waive registration fees for non-member invited speakers. Additionally, non-member invited speakers may receive reimbursement of up-to $600 to cover expenses to attend the meeting. However, GAME will not offer reimbursement in the first instance, but only provide reimbursement if asked.
    2. Members who speak will not be reimbursed for any expenses or receive a waiver of Registration fees.
    3. Fred will send Mark stationary and Mark will create a letter of invitation.
    4. We decided to replace topic #6 with an expanded version of topic #5. The following personnel accepted responsibility to contact speakers:

Dennis Wentz: EUMS speaker, Buzz Goodstein

Rich Tischler: Linda Raichle

Howard Young: Merck International

Lew Miller: Pfizer International

Fred Wilson: Mediconsult

8. Meeting adjourned about 1:30PM.