Minutes : January 28, 1999 7:00-9:30 pm EST
Atlanta Hilton, Atlanta, Georgia
June 27, 1999, 3:00 pm EST
Princeton Club, New York City

Global Alliance for Medical Education (GAME)
Board of Directors Meeting

January 28, 1999 7:00-9:30 pm EST
Atlanta Hilton, Atlanta, Georgia

Meeting Participants:

, Moderator*
(via telephone)*
Mark Connors*
(via telephone)*
, PhD (via report by telephone)
, MD*

* Members of the Board of Directors.


  1. Minutes of November 10, 1998 were approved.
  2. presented the current financial report. After paying for the formation of the corporation and for the printing of the membership brochure, the remaining balance is $13,000.
  3. presented the Program Committee report. Following the previous Board of Directors meeting (November 10, 1998), and had a number of conversations to develop the 1999 Annual Meeting theme, "CME as a Business." Dowden then had a number of exploratory discussions with other leaders in CME business, all of whom said they were unaware of any existing research that describes the CME business.
  4. Representatives of one research company offered to conduct a study for GAME for as little as $3,000. They have not made a proposal, nor has requested such a proposal because a study of that magnitude would probably only identify the players in the marketplace and offer little value. noted that it would be of great value for GAME to do some type of study because there is obviously a need.

    With assistance from t, who is Board liaison, and others, developed the preliminary program and shipped 400 copies to Atlanta. has extended invitations to potential speakers.

    Miller expressed concern that the potential speakers were mainly from the United States. said that a number of the potential speakers had international experience and were prepared to present global data. Dowden asked for additional suggestions to widen representation. suggested a separate Program Committee telephone conference that would include (Canada), (Mexico), and (Spain).

    suggested adding a gaming component to the meeting. West said he had enjoyed a simulation of "Jeopardy," the TV quiz show, at the Alliance for CME Canadian Day. The quiz "breaks the ice," explained, and can include any kind of content to achieve a serious communication objective.

    and expressed support for the idea. noted that it would be important let people know in advance.

    asked about the intent of the 3:30 pm program on Monday, June 28, " Examining a Hierarchy of CME Activities, from Major Medical Center Programs to Dinner Meeting-A Roundtable." Dowden explained that the title meant to suggest a continuum of activities that might come loosely under the heading CME or medical education. At one end of the spectrum are high-quality scientific programs and at the other promotional encounters. Yet, business people might well say, "I'm in the medical education business," no matter at what point of the spectrum they work. Based on this thinking, Dowden said, the program will address the entire range of activities that may be classified as medical education.

    The Sunday program will feature a special report on growth prospects, Dowden said, featuring new research on size, direction, type of business, and geographic location. "The challenge here is to fill in the blanks," noted. again urged GAME to conduct research in partnership with another organization, by commissioning a study through a research firm, or doing the research through GAME members. suggested that GAME funds be devoted to such research.

  5. presented the Membership Committee report. The mailing list for the Annual Meeting has been finalized and includes 400 names. Wilson said he plans to send out the meeting brochure as soon as he receives bulk quantities of the brochure.
  6. provided an Internet Committee Report, stating that preparatory work is 80% complete.
  7. stated the Kevan Chambers had expressed interest in pursuing the development of a GAME newsletter.
  8. Other business included a suggestion by Mark Connors to clarify the charges as they now appear on the back page of the membership brochure.
  9. The next Board of Directors meeting will be held according to need.

Respectfully submitted,


Minutes : January 28, 1999 7:00-9:30 pm EST
Atlanta Hilton, Atlanta, Georgia
June 27, 1999, 3:00 pm EST
Princeton Club, New York City

Global Alliance for Medical Education (GAME)
Board of Directors Meeting

June 27, 1999, 3:00 pm EST
Princeton Club, New York City

Meeting Participants:

, Moderator

, MD

, MD


  1. Minutes of January 28, 1999, were approved with corrections.
  2. presented the current financial report. said there were funds available to produce a newsletter. The benefits promised to members, including a newsletter and website, have not been fulfilled. said that unless GAME can produce and circulate a newsletter to members within two months of the Annual Meeting, GAME should cease to exist.
  3. , chair of the Program Committee, described changes and refinements in the program for the 1999 Annual Meeting.
  4. suggested that a Board member introduce each portion of the program. Board members will also man the Registration Table.
  5. presented the Internet Committee Report. has expressed interest in continuing as committee chair. She has invited to participate as a member, and Wolf has agreed. As a future policy, the Board of Directors decided that the minutes of Board of Directors meetings can be presented on the GAME website only if there is news.
  6. presented the Nominating Committee report. Candidates for the Board of Directors are:

    , MD

    Candidates for officers of GAME are:

    Vice President: Mark Connors

    The Nominating Committee also recommended establishment of a new position: Liaison Officer for Europe. The candidate nominated for this position is:

    The Nominating Committee offered the following justification:

    Your nominating committee discussed the urgent need to develop meaningful relationships with Europe, both in terms of current members of GAME and potential members. Europe is moving rapidly toward unification of all areas of education under the stimulation of the European Commission; GAME has a potential role in the development of CME.

    We anticipate that, as the global situation develops, we may wish to nominate regional liaison officers for other parts of the world, e.g., Southeast Asia; Japan; Australia; and others.

  7. led a brief discussion of the agenda for the Annual Business Meeting: Treasurer's Report, President's Report, Nominating Committee Report.
  8. Other business included a suggestion by for active recruitment of people from academic centers.

    Dowden urged expansion of the mission to embrace the interests of potential academic members. The Annual Meeting program in the year 2000 needs to appeal to academics, Dowden said. He suggested sections for networking. This needs specific promotion, he said.

    Committee meetings will be held on Tuesday, June 29, at 8:30 am.

    suggested that the European Group meet as a committee. suggested that the South American group also meet.

    will take responsibility for editorial development of the GAME newsletter, including responsibility of hiring a freelance writer to work under his supervision. Alderman agreed to meet with to select topics. agreed to take responsibility for design and desktop publishing. An annual budget of $6,000 was established for newsletter publication during the 1999-2000 year.

Respectfully submitted,


Minutes : January 28, 1999 7:00-9:30 pm EST
Atlanta Hilton, Atlanta, Georgia
June 27, 1999, 3:00 pm EST
Princeton Club, New York City

Copyright © 1999 Game. Derechos Reservados.
Diseño y Programación: Educación Médica Contínua